Aug 10, 2022

Inside Noyo: A catalyst for change

Uncovering meaningful ways to improve our solutions is everyone's responsibility at Noyo, but our Operations team does it best! Go Inside Noyo with Dionna Jenkins, Operations Specialist, to hear why she loves helping solve customers' problems.

{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"italic"}],"value":"Insurance and benefits are closely entwined with the lives of real people. At Noyo, we know that every optimization we integrate into our product has a direct effect on someone’s ability to receive coverage for themselves and their family. No stride forward is insignificant, whether it’s on the back-end for our own team or facing our customers. Everything we do makes a tangible difference out there in the real world.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"italic"}],"value":"In order to make the best impact, our team needs to stay innovative. Our operations need to grow in the right direction as our customers scale to ensure the benefits experience remains the simple, seamless exchange of data we envision it to be. We constantly find ways to improve our product while also supporting our customers as we go, but gathering good insight for upgrades isn’t always straightforward.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"italic"}],"value":"Noyo’s Operations Specialist Dionna Jenkins (she/her) has been on the job since March 2022. Dionna undertakes various independent projects alongside our operations team to assist customers with enrollment materials and management, all while keeping an eye out for errors and areas where we can improve our processes and make the biggest impact. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"italic"}],"value":"Her specialized perspective provides our product with a strong foundation as we continue to evolve our toolset and make the biggest difference possible in real people’s lives. Here’s a peek at Dionna’s interview process and how she feels about being part of the Noyo team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"What is your role at Noyo and what's an exciting, challenging problem you're solving?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I am an Operations Specialist here at Noyo! I get the unique opportunity to work on several projects as help is needed, but the most exciting thing I’ve worked on so far has been our form service. Carrier needs are unique, and we get to create new solutions as we solve problems. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"What did your path to Noyo look like?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"My path to Noyo was definitely a unique experience. Before Noyo, I worked in an unrelated field where I was feeling a need to contribute more and have an active role in making a difference. I started to look into the insurance space because I felt that I could make a difference there and found Noyo via a posting in the #HireBlack Slack channel!","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"What was the interview process like?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The interview process was amazing! I was given the opportunity to connect with each team member I interviewed with on a professional and personal level. I felt seen and heard beyond what was just on my resume and that made a big difference for me.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"What excites you most about our industry, our product, or your role in general?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The space that we are carving out with our APIs excites me. Insurance (and bringing it into a more modern and digital world) can be daunting, especially for underrepresented groups, and we are doing our part to democratize visibility and access.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"What are the top 3 reasons you joined Noyo?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I saw I could join a team of fellow hardworking humans to help make a difference.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"list-item"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I felt such a sense of camaraderie with a team that remains in sync despite being remote.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"list-item"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I saw a dedicated and concerted focus towards justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion within the company culture that made me feel proud to be part of Noyo.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"list-item"}],"nodeType":"ordered-list"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"How would you describe the culture at Noyo?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Noyo’s culture is so very genuine! Everyone cares about what they do and we all want to do it well. Everyone is committed to helping each other so that we all can function together harmoniously.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"What's your favorite way to stay connected with your co-workers?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"My favorite way to stay connected is definitely Slack. We have different, fun channels that cater to a lot of different interests. We can get to know each other and bond over shared hobbies or current obsessions even though we are all in different time zones.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"italic"}],"value":"Does Noyo’s culture pique your interest? We’re always looking for talented, driven individuals to add to our growing family. Check out our openings ","nodeType":"text"},{"data":{"uri":""},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"underline"},{"type":"italic"}],"value":"here","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"hyperlink"},{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"italic"}],"value":"!","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"}

If you do benefits, you need Noyo

The future of employee benefits is faster, easier, and more automated. Are you ready?

If you do benefits, you need Noyo

The future of employee benefits is faster, easier, and more automated. Are you ready?

If you do benefits, you need Noyo

The future of employee benefits is faster, easier, and more automated. Are you ready?