Sep 25, 2020

Inside Ops: The lifeline between Noyo and our customers

How trying something completely new led to working with some of the most exciting companies in insurtech.

{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"},{"data":{"uri":""},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Noyo","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"hyperlink"},{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":" is building the API infrastructure to bring health insurance into the modern era, and we work with some of the most innovative, forward-thinking companies in our space. ","nodeType":"text"},{"data":{"uri":""},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Bridget Simpson","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"hyperlink"},{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":" is an ","nodeType":"text"},{"data":{"uri":""},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Operations Analyst","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"hyperlink"},{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":" at Noyo, acting as a direct link between Noyo’s platform and our customers. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"When we onboard new customers, beta test new products, or help customers navigate major business challenges, our ops team builds those relationships, ensuring the best possible product experience. Bridget tells us about her role and how she found Noyo.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"bold"}],"value":"Bridget, what's an exciting or challenging problem you're working on?","nodeType":"text"},{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"‍\n‍","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Currently, my team and I are working to scale our day-to-day processes so we can maintain support as more and more data flows through ","nodeType":"text"},{"data":{"uri":""},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Noyo’s APIs","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"hyperlink"},{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":". No two days are the same. We’re identifying and resolving errors, testing products, and communicating directly with our partners.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"A big focus for us is we don’t just want to resolve errors as they occur--we want to figure out what went wrong and make sure the pattern doesn’t happen again. It takes a lot of critical thinking to assess and address these issues while also figuring out how to use the insights to improve our products.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"bold"}],"value":"What’s your favorite part about the role?\n‍","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I love how hands-on it is. I can see the results of my work in real-time, whether that’s onboarding new employer groups onto our system so they can quickly get the insurance coverage they need or working with a benefits platform to make sure employees are enrolled in the correct coverage. It’s gratifying to know the impact I’m having day-to-day. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"bold"}],"value":"What did your path before Noyo look like?\n‍","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"My path to Noyo was unconventional. After studying English in college, I taught middle school before earning my Master’s in Theology at the University of Oxford. Returning from England, I knew I wanted to try something new. Noyo, a health insurance tech start-up, is different from anything I’ve ever done before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"bold"}],"value":"How did you discover operations and transition into something completely new?\n‍","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I first heard about operations, and Noyo, from another member of the operations team. He’s an old friend, and he gave me a call when Noyo started hiring.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I was tentative to apply at first, I didn’t really know what an operations analyst did! I gained a deeper understanding of the role when I completed the take-home assignment Noyo developed as part of the interview process. I enjoyed the task and felt confident in my ability to tackle similar challenges. That’s when I really felt operations would be a great fit for me. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"bold"}],"value":"So what drew you to Noyo?\n‍","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I first became interested because, like many people, I’d like the American healthcare experience to improve. As I learned more about how Noyo was having an impact, I got more excited--Noyo offers a modern solution to a pervasive pain point: slow, outdated, error-prone connections between all the systems that touch health insurance.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Finally, it was my interviews with founders ","nodeType":"text"},{"data":{"uri":""},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Shannon Goggin","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"hyperlink"},{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":" and ","nodeType":"text"},{"data":{"uri":""},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Dennis Lee","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"hyperlink"},{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":" that really sealed the deal. They are innovative and intentional regarding both the product and the company culture, and I really enjoy working with them.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"bold"}],"value":"Last question: if your team had a mascot, what would it be?\n‍","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"heading-3"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Taylor Swift. So far all the Ops members are big fans, even though our favorite songs vary greatly. (I’m team Blank Space).","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"italic"}],"value":"From engineering to sales, ","nodeType":"text"},{"data":{"uri":""},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"italic"}],"value":"Noyo is hiring","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"hyperlink"},{"data":{},"marks":[{"type":"italic"}],"value":" across all business functions. We're a distributed team hiring anywhere in the United States with offices in San Francisco, CA and Raleigh, NC. Come help us fundamentally change an industry that impacts millions of lives.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"}

If you do benefits, you need Noyo

The future of employee benefits is faster, easier, and more automated. Are you ready?

If you do benefits, you need Noyo

The future of employee benefits is faster, easier, and more automated. Are you ready?

If you do benefits, you need Noyo

The future of employee benefits is faster, easier, and more automated. Are you ready?