Jul 10, 2024
What's new in the Noyo API and Command Center
Our updates today add transparency to member snapshot processing, expand our webhooks collection, and make quality-of-life improvements to Command Center....

Our updates today add transparency to member snapshot processing, expand our webhooks collection, and make quality-of-life improvements to Command Center. Let's get into it!
New: fulfillment summaries
Member snapshots make it easy to send enrollment changes to many carriers at once. But what happens if changes can be processed for one carrier but not for another? We've added a new field, the fulfillment summary, to answer this question!
Now when you send a member snapshot, a fulfillment summary will be included in the response:
It lists the carrier(s) associated with the snapshot and shows whether changes have been successfully sent over. If they weren't, it will show the errors that prevented the transmission. Fulfillment summary statuses are continuously updated, so using the webhook is recommended.
Snapshots can also be filtered by their fulfillment summary status, meaning you can easily pull a list of snapshots with per-carrier validation errors.
Fulfillment summary statuses will start to replace 422 errors for snapshots. That is, a snapshot that would have previously been rejected with a 422 will now be allowed, but carrier-specific errors will appear in the fulfillment summary. If you've built any processes for 422 handling, we'll work with you to ensure a smooth transition.
More webhooks added
We're growing our collection of webhook events! Now you can subscribe to updates for:
Overall snapshot status changes
Fulfillment summary status changes
Group connection/disconnection activity
The group connection webhooks are especially helpful for Send carriers, since those connections will change status more often and may require action in Command Center.
Command Center additions
Admins can now designate read-only users in the Command Center. This level of user can see all available data but cannot take actions such as connecting or disconnecting a group.
Finally, we've added a prompt to input broker FEIN for Anthem group connections so we can complete them faster. It's best practice to send broker FEINs with all group connection requests, so this prompt will not appear if it was included in the initial API call.
Don't hesitate to reach out to our team with questions about these or any other product updates. Thanks for reading!